You Protect the Public...But Who Protects You When Your Benefits are Threatened?

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State and Municipal budgets are under enormous pressure to cut costs. It is no secret that health care costs are rising at an alarming rate. Your employee benefit package is coming under attack at each contract renewal. Maybe you've already had to deal with these questions:

  • How do you know when a new benefit proposal actually meets the terms of your labor agreement?
  • Will a change in insurance carriers mean a reduction in benefits?
  • What happens to your health benefits at retirement?
  • What if your employer either leaves or joins the State Health Benefits Plan (SHBP)? Will you receive comparable benefits?
  • How will Federal Health Care Reform Legislation affect me?
  • What contribution levels are required under Chapter 78?

These questions are often difficult to answer. Medical benefits are a complex and technical area and accurately evaluating your options takes experience and a high level of expertise. That’s where I can help.

With 35 years in the employee benefits field, I have gotten to know the business as a company representative, as a broker and now as a consultant. Having worked with numerous PBAs in the State for many years, I understand the negotiation process and what is at risk when a change in benefits occurs.

When it comes to negotiating, knowledge is power!
By presenting you and your attorney with all the facts you need as you evaluate your options, you will be in a stronger position when you sit at the bargaining table.


Other Services for You and Your Members:

Retirement Planning Seminars
  • What to do with funds accumulated in a 457 Plan
  • How to plan retirement income for life, for your family
  • Starting a new business
  • Long Term Care Insurance
Financial Planning for Active Members
  • College Funding with 529 Plans
  • Investment Planning
  • Estate Planning
  • Tax Reduction Strategies
  • Saving for Retirement
Evaluating the Need for Life Insurance
  • Determining How Much is Really Needed
  • What is the Best Type to Buy
  • Protecting Beneficiaries